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Sun Core by ZeroKun265!

Last updated Aug 20, 2022 Edit Source

# Basic Info:

# Sun Core

Your friend has been kidnapped by monsters and brought to the core of the sun: it’s up to you, a solar creature, to rescue him.

Fight your way trough the guardians of the sun and their fearsome solar cannons in this old-fashioned 8-bit style platformer inspired by the all-time classic Super Mario and reach your friend at the core of the star at the center of our solar system.

Will you get there in time? Or will the harsh heat of the cruel star burn you on your way? Only one way to find out…

# How to play

The game has a built-in tutorial level, it’s incredibly short anyway, but for the sake of completeness I’ll add the instructions here:

# Disclaimer

Sun Core is currently in its alpha version and is pretty barebone since it was done quickly for this game jam, but if people get interested in the title I might consider expanding it and rewriting it to make it an actual game.

Sun Core is released to the public domain and the author claims no rights over the source code, assets or any other component of the game, unless otherwise specified, so you may modify it and use it freely.

All names and brands mentioned in the game’s overview and/or troughout the game itself are property of their respective copyright owners.

# Soundtracks

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

# Screenshots

SunCore tutorial.png SunCore level.png SunCore bullet hell.png SunCore end.png