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ZeroKun265's Projects

Last updated Aug 20, 2022 Edit Source

# Projects

Here you can see a list of all my projects. Note: They are usually hosted on other sites like GitHub

# 📌[Pinned] Copper Rings

A Fabric mod that adds copper rings for bonus effects on the player

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# 📌[Pinned] Totem of Dying

A Minecraft mod that adds a Totem of Dying to the game, inspired by a Youtube comment

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# Ip Updater

A simple script that runs on a server and many clients, used to update the clients of any change in the ip-adresss(used for servers with non-static ip adresses, like home servers)

Readme Card

# Godot News Telegram Bot

A simple bot made with Pyrogram used to get news about the articles posted by the Godot Team on their website, been offline in a while, needs maintainance.

# Bash colored text generator

Technically a tool to make colored text in bash easier but it has 0 compatibility and sucks overall, still, it’s mentioned because maybe one day i’ll make something better